Surprise. The “Papabile” of the Community of Sant’Egidio Is Not Zuppi, but Tolentino

The power­ful Community of Sant’Egidio is not new to mobi­li­zing in view of a con­cla­ve. It tried way back in 1978, bet­ting on then car­di­nal arch­bi­shop of Naples Corrado Ursi, only to swing into action right after­ward in osten­ta­tious sup­port of the elec­ted Karol Wojtyla.

But it is thought to be mobi­li­zing even more today with one of its own asso­cia­tes, Cardinal Matteo Zuppi, decla­red in uni­son by the world media – and ini­tial­ly by Settimo Cielo too – as the can­di­da­te for pope brought up and pro­mo­ted by the Community.

And yet it isn’t so. Because the can­di­da­te that Sant’Egidio is real­ly groo­ming is not Zuppi, but the Portuguese car­di­nal José Tolentino de Mendonça (in the pho­to by Franco Origlia / Getty Images).

The main rea­son for this selec­tion is that Zuppi’s mem­ber­ship in the Community does not work in his favor, but again­st him. Because an ever grea­ter num­ber of car­di­nal elec­tors are wary of a pon­ti­fi­ca­te that would be at serious risk of being run by an exter­nal oli­gar­chy, or rather, by a mono­cra­cy.

Cardinal George Pell, with his reco­gni­zed exper­ti­se on the sub­ject, used to say: “Be care­ful, becau­se if Zuppi is elec­ted in the con­cla­ve, the real pope will be Andrea Riccardi.”

Riccardi, 75, is the all-powerful foun­der and head of the Community. A reno­w­ned scho­lar of Church histo­ry, for­mer mini­ster for inter­na­tio­nal coo­pe­ra­tion, in 2009 awar­ded the Charlemagne Prize, and in 2022 even in the run­ning for the pre­si­den­cy of the Italian Republic, he has always been the only one with the real and unchal­len­ged power of com­mand over that for­mi­da­ble machi­ne which is Sant’Egidio, and over the men who com­po­se it.

Cardinal Tolentino, on the con­tra­ry, not only does not belong to the Community, but he does not even figu­re in public as par­ti­cu­lar­ly lin­ked to it. Nor do the men of Sant’Egidio, in bac­king one or ano­ther car­di­nal in his can­di­da­cy, decla­re them­sel­ves his asso­cia­tes. They sing his prai­ses, yes, but as impar­tial obser­vers who eva­lua­te with due deta­ch­ment.

But what are the ele­men­ts of Tolentino’s pro­fi­le that the men of Sant’Egidio accen­tua­te, to pro­mo­te his can­di­da­cy as pope?

First of all, the breadth of his geo­gra­phi­cal under­pin­nings, bet­ween the old world and the new. Tolentino was born in 1965 on the island of Madeira in the Atlantic Ocean, and spent his chil­d­hood in Angola, which at the time was a Portuguese colo­ny but was alrea­dy fighting for inde­pen­den­ce. He will always remem­ber Africa with admi­ra­tion for its “pre-modern enchant­ment.” Back in Madeira he ente­red the semi­na­ry at a very young age, and upon com­ple­ting his stu­dies, inclu­ding a doc­to­ra­te in Sacred Scripture from the Pontifical Biblical Institute in Rome, he set­tled per­ma­nen­tly in Lisbon, as a pro­fes­sor and then dean of the facul­ty of theo­lo­gy at the Portuguese Catholic University, but also with aca­de­mic posi­tions over­seas, in the United States at New York University and in Brazil in Pernambuco, Rio de Janeiro, and Belo Horizonte.

A son of Europe but also of Africa and of the “peri­phe­ries” of the world, a man of let­ters and a poet but also atten­ti­ve to the pro­ces­ses of libe­ra­tion, Tolentino was for a long time the cha­plain, in Lisbon, of the Capela do Rato, the epi­cen­ter of the oppo­si­tion sit-ins that inspi­red the “Carnation Revolution” in 1974 and after­ward beca­me a pla­ce of cul­tu­ral, poli­ti­cal, and reli­gious dia­lo­gue, also with the con­tri­bu­tion of António Guterres, the cur­rent secre­ta­ry gene­ral of the United Nations.

As of a few years ago, at the Capela do Rato, the Portuguese branch of the Community of Sant’Egidio has been orga­ni­zing a Christmas Day lunch for the poor of Lisbon. But the affi­ni­ties do not end the­re. Zuppi is remem­be­red for his pea­ce­ma­king role in the 1992 agree­men­ts in Mozambique, ano­ther for­mer Portuguese colo­ny in Africa. And abo­ve all, the­re is both in Tolentino and in the lea­ders of the Community the pre­e­mi­nen­ce given to cul­tu­re, for him to the Bible, theo­lo­gy, and con­tem­po­ra­ry lite­ra­tu­re abo­ve all, for the others to diplo­ma­cy and histo­ry, espe­cial­ly the histo­ry of the Church, of which almo­st all are uni­ver­si­ty pro­fes­sors, star­ting with Riccardi.

And then the­re is the affi­ni­ty in terms of dia­lo­gue, which for Sant’Egidio is abo­ve all bet­ween reli­gions, with the big annual inter­na­tio­nal con­fe­ren­ces cele­bra­ted “in the spi­rit of Assisi,” with the para­de of Christian lea­ders, Jewish, Muslim, Hindu, Buddhist, Shinto, etc., whi­le for Tolentino it is abo­ve all bet­ween cul­tu­res, with books, with scho­lar­ly con­fe­ren­ces, or with one-on-one mee­tings bet­ween him and a pro­mi­nent intel­lec­tual, bet­ter if one far from the faith, after the pat­tern of the “Nonbelievers’ forum” inven­ted by Cardinal Carlo Maria Martini and the “Courtyard of the Gentiles” con­cei­ved by Benedict XVI and entru­sted to Cardinal Gianfranco Ravasi.

Ravasi, in the Vatican curia, today has his suc­ces­sor in Tolentino, as pre­fect of the dica­ste­ry for cul­tu­re and edu­ca­tion. Yes, becau­se sin­ce Pope Francis cal­led him to the Vatican in 2018, as an ordi­na­ry prie­st, to pre­ach the spi­ri­tual exer­ci­ses at the begin­ning of Lent, his career has been a light­ning streak. Four mon­ths later, Francis appoin­ted him as archi­vi­st and libra­rian of the Holy Roman Church; in 2019 he made him car­di­nal, and in 2022 top man for cul­tu­re.

And as pre­fect of this dica­ste­ry, Tolentino has so far sho­wn him­self at his most ori­gi­nal by cal­ling to a mee­ting with the pope, on the mor­ning of last June 14, a hun­dred or so comic actors from all over the world, some of great noto­rie­ty, with Whoopi Goldberg in the front row, who came floc­king in dro­ves despi­te being fier­ce anti­cle­ri­cals, without even being given the rea­son for their invi­ta­tion. Among them was the Portuguese Ricardo Araújo Pereira, an athei­st and alrea­dy the coun­ter­part in Lisbon for discus­sions with the futu­re car­di­nal on “God: a que­stion for belie­vers and non­be­lie­vers.”

Tolentino also shi­nes, howe­ver, for his abi­li­ty to ope­ra­te with skill and refi­ne­ment in pla­ces not usual for a chur­ch­man. For exam­ple, at the Venice Biennale, whe­re he recen­tly intro­du­ced a select audien­ce to the com­ple­te rerea­ding, over seve­ral eve­nings, of such a master­pie­ce of medie­val mysti­ci­sm as Meister Eckhart’s “Commentary on the Gospel of John.”

The dia­lo­gues in which both Tolentino and Zuppi excel have the advan­ta­ge of not divi­ding the Church, but rather of com­for­ting it. Even when they ven­tu­re into mined ter­rain, like that of the wars under­way in the world, the appeals for pea­ce that they rai­se are so vague that they can be endor­sed by eve­ryo­ne. Or they move – as in the case of Zuppi after his fai­led mis­sions in Kyiv, Moscow, and Beijing – on the pure­ly huma­ni­ta­rian ter­rain of pri­so­ner exchan­ges and the repa­tria­tion of chil­dren, here too with the scan­tie­st of resul­ts.

As for the doc­tri­nal wars within the Church, tho­se that have their epi­cen­ter in the synod of Germany and ran­ge from the new sexual mora­li­ty to the sacred ordi­na­tion of women, the line of con­duct always prac­ti­ced by the Community of Sant’Egidio is that of not taking a clear posi­tion on one side or the other.

Zuppi is a per­fect enac­tor of this line of con­duct, thanks to the cun­ning with which he says and says not, opens without ever thro­wing wide, always eva­si­ve on the most divi­si­ve issues. One exam­ple of this is the sibyl­li­ne pre­fa­ce he wro­te to the Italian edi­tion of the book “Building a Bridge” by the Jesuit and friend of the pope James Martin, a staunch sup­por­ter of new pasto­ral care and new moral doc­tri­ne on homo­se­xua­li­ty. The the­sis of the book is clear, but the pre­fa­ce, on its own, not a bit.

And Tolentino? He too ful­ly adop­ts this line of con­duct. He pre­a­ches and prac­ti­ces with gene­ro­si­ty the wel­co­me of homo­se­xuals into the Church, but without ever cal­ling for a chan­ge in doc­tri­ne. He admi­ts com­mu­nion for the divor­ced and remar­ried, but only after Pope Francis allo­wed it with the exhor­ta­tion “Amoris Laetitia.” He has not come out for or again­st the decla­ra­tion “Fiducia Supplicans,” which allo­ws the bles­sing of same-sex cou­ples, hea­vi­ly cri­ti­ci­zed by almo­st the who­le Church of Africa.

Also on the sacred ordi­na­tion of women Tolentino has never said what he thinks. But he wro­te the pre­fa­ce to a 2022 book enti­tled “Women Religious, Women Deacons,” by the American theo­lo­gian Phyllis Zagano, who stron­gly sup­ports fema­le ordi­na­tion and is part of the stu­dy com­mis­sion appoin­ted by Pope Francis on the dia­co­na­te for women.

Tolentino also wro­te the pre­fa­ce to a book by the Benedictine nun and Spanish femi­ni­st theo­lo­gian Maria Teresa Forcades I Vila, whom he has repea­ted­ly prai­sed but without ever open­ly espou­sing her radi­cal the­ses on abor­tion, the ordi­na­tion of women, homo­se­xua­li­ty, and the “queer revo­lu­tion” in the Church.

In a con­cla­ve, this open but not rigid­ly ali­gned spi­rit would faci­li­ta­te, accor­ding to the plans of the Community of Sant’Egidio, the con­ver­gen­ce on Tolentino of a rather lar­ge num­ber of car­di­nals of various outlooks.

But this flui­di­ty of posi­tion could also pro­du­ce the oppo­si­te effect. Few car­di­nals, in fact, would bet on a can­di­da­te so eva­si­ve as to clear deci­sions and of dubious lea­der­ship abi­li­ty – which Tolentino has never exer­ci­sed at the head of a dio­ce­se – moreo­ver only 59 years old, after a pon­ti­fi­ca­te like that of Francis, who is han­ding over to his suc­ces­sor a Church in full doc­tri­nal and pasto­ral con­fu­sion, such as to lea­ve dra­ma­ti­cal­ly unea­sy for various rea­sons more or less eve­ryo­ne, right, left, and cen­ter.

In short, it is dif­fi­cult to fore­see that Tolentino could appear to the car­di­nal elec­tors as the right man to resto­re a mini­mum of order to the govern­ment of the Church, with pru­den­ce and wisdom, all the more so with a lineup full of unk­no­wns like that which Francis has alrea­dy orde­red to be imple­men­ted bet­ween now and October 2028, cul­mi­na­ting in an “Ecclesial Assembly” that has no pre­ce­dent in histo­ry and with a very detai­led pre­pa­ra­to­ry pha­se that he set in motion on March 11 from his bed in the Gemelli Hospital, com­mu­ni­ca­ted by let­ter to the bishops of the who­le world.

Indifferent, Francis, as to whe­ther he or his suc­ces­sor has to car­ry out this pro­gram of his.

(Translated by Matthew Sherry:


Sandro Magister is past “vati­ca­ni­sta” of the Italian wee­kly L’Espresso.
The late­st arti­cles in English of his blog Settimo Cielo are on this page.
But the full archi­ve of Settimo Cielo in English, from 2017 to today, is acces­si­ble.
As is the com­ple­te index of the blog www.chiesa, which pre­ce­ded it.

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